
KRYST4LCLR's Gameconfig (Updated Regularly) v1.2 (TU 3442) - Stable Release

F3a743 mod image


Mod Description:
Hello and thank-you for checking-out my custom gameconfig for GTA5. My gameconfig will help players out, when using mods. I'm regularly changing, improving & updating my gameconfig for a more stable experience when using mods. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment those, and I'll be happy to answer them.


Players need to take note of the following...
  • If Players are still experiencing issues even after installing this gameconfig, then consider it's the mods that you have installed. The game comes with default R* values that are present inside the gameconfig.xml that works for everyone for vanilla use only, so for those who wish to install mods would either, A: Have to adjust these values themselves or B: Search around for an uploaded modded gameconfig.xml file that increases these values. I have tested my gameconfig with & without mods whilst playing storymode missions without issues.
  • Players that install alot of mods may, experience non-functioning story mode missions. This is because certain mods out there have the capacity to break story mode missions. To avoid this from happening, either remove the problematic mods or simply don't play the story mode missions when having mods installed.
  • Although players would like to increase in-game population, in my experience, when having alot of mods installed, problems will occur such as, game crashes. To prevent this, my gameconfig only provides stock 1xped & 1xtraffic. There are some rumors suggesting that even having no mods installed but have increased the in-game population either through the gameconfig itself or by editing settings.xml, can also crash the game.
  • Players may think that, by changing various of number values in any gameconfig would remove mod limits, are incorrect, as there is not such way to easily remove such limits as the majority of them are hardcoded in the games "exe" files. So even after increasing the number values in any gameconfig, should you still encounter game crashes, then again consider it's the mods that you have installed.
  • Having a modded gameconfig will not solve "Game Memory Error", this is because Rockstar Games implemented the "MEMORY LEAK" that restricts the in-game resources from using too much memory. As a result of this implementation, when players install memory intensive mods, they will encounter "Game Memory Error". This means that the current mods that such individual has installed in their game has exceeded the built-in game memory resources resulting the player to force close gta 5. Gameconfig.xml is not the root cause, but rather having un-optimized mods installed or having memory intensive mods installed that results in having "Game Memory Error" show up on-screen.
  • After countless attempts with changing numerous number values inside my gameconfig, I'm sad to say to those who use the "Redux" mod that my gameconfig will not work as you will see after a few minutes, the game suddenly crashes. I have investigated the "Redux" mod as it seems to provide it's own "gameconfig.xml", however no such edits have been made, so basically it's identical to the stock r* version.
  • I shall take no responsibility for those who wish to not read the installation instructions that lead to a non functional game experience, but will courage those who are new to gta 5 modding to research tutorials primarily on YouTube for help.

  • Supported Mod Types:
  • Vehicles
  • Vehicle Modkits
  • Weapons
  • Sounds
  • Maps
  • Ped Models

  • Supported Platforms:
  • (PC) 2060 - 3442

  • Supported x64 Platform Launchers:
  • Epic Games Store
  • Steam
  • Rockstar Games Launcher

  • FAQ's:
    Q1: Why does your e.g. this gameconfig have "Experimental" in it's title?
  • A1: You may have come to question why, my gameconfig is in the "Experimental" state. There is no definitive way to make a custom gameconfig that, works for every system & the type of mods you have installed. Now as mentioned above in section "!!!IMPORTANT!!!", it all comes down to the type of mods you have installed, mods that are heavily dependent on in-game memory resources such as vehicles, will pose the most issues such as game crashes. If you wish to read more on this, please see section "!!!IMPORTANT!!!".
  • Q2: Why is it that, the stock gameconfig has a higher file size than, your e.g. this gameconfig?
  • A2: Due to certain sections within the stock e.g. R* gameconfig not being read by the game, I've removed these to cleanup inside the gameconfig.
    Q3: How often does your e.g. this gameconfig get updated?
  • A3: For the stable release, updates are in-frequent where as Experimental release is, updated fortnightly (every 2weeks)

  • Must Have Requirements:
  • Mods Folder
  • ScriptHookV
  • ScriptHookVDotNet - Regular Release (if you are having game issues such as, game crashes or scripts not loading, please try the nightly release of scripthookvdotnet.)
  • ScriptHookVDotNet - Nightly Release
  • OpenIV (Online Installer) or OpenIV (Offline Installer)
  • OpenIV ASI Loader Replacement - Due to OpenIV devs not updating OpenIV & Since the 'dinput8.dll' provided by OpenIV is now considered outdated, 'Ultimate ASI Loader' is an alternative that achieves the same goal albeit being constantly maintained & is recommended to this one instead of the OpenIV one.
  • HeapAdjuster - It's recommended to set HeapAdjuster.ini value from 750 to 2000. If you skip this, you will encounter "Out of Game Memory Error" when starting Grand Theft Auto V.
  • fwBoxStreamerVariable and decals limit patch
  • ZolikaPatch

  • Optional Scripts/Plugins:
  • Weapon Limits Adjuster - Only needed if you intend to use weapon mods, otherwise skip this one.
  • SirenSetting Limit Adjuster - Only needed if you intend to use Siren mods, otherwise skip this one.
  • ModKit Limit Extender - Only needed if you intend to use alot of vehicle modkits, otherwise skip this one.
  • Resource Adjuster - Only needed if you are experiencing in-game texture loss and/or pop-ins, otherwise skip this one. If you plan on using this script, be sure to set "additionalGPUMemory" (which can be found in "ResourceAdjuster.ini") value to whatever your gpu memory is e.g 2048

  • Useful Scripts/Plugins:
  • PoolManager - This one can be useful if you are experinecing poolsize related game crashes.
  • Issuer Check Bypass Against SocialClub (for b2060 to b2802) - This one can be useful if you are using an older version of gta 5 (option 1).
  • No_GTAVLauncher - This one can be useful if you are using an older version of gta 5 (option 2).

  • Installation Instructions:
    A: If you are new to modding gta 5 or want a quicker way to install my gameconfig, then choose "Install\OIV Packages" followed by game version.
  • Drag the selected "kryst4lclrs_gameconfig_gameversion.oiv" for your game version to somewhere on your device, then launch OpenIV.
  • Choose Grand Theft Auto V pc version.
  • Locate "Tools" from the toolbar within OpenIV, and choose "Package Installer".
  • Locate the extracted "kryst4lclrs_gameconfig_gameversion.oiv" on your device.
  • Follow the necessary steps to install my gameconfig.
  • Start the game and if done correctly, your game should now boot normally.

  • or

    B: If you are an advanced user, then choose "Install\Manual" followed by game version.
  • Drag the selected "gameconfig.xml" for your game version to somewhere on your device, then launch OpenIV.
  • Choose Grand Theft Auto V pc version.
  • Proceed to the following location... --> mods/update/update.rpf/common/data
  • Activate edit mode.
  • Drag & Drop the "gameconfig.xml" into OpenIV.
  • Start the game and if done correctly, your game should now boot normally.

  • Credits:
    Me, I'm KRYST4LCLR. If you like this mod, be sure to give me a credit.

    Permission for Content Re-use:
    * If you have downloaded my e.g this gameconfig and wish to further tweak it to fit in-line with your installed mods then, you have my approval here and now. Since the file that you end-up modifying it's number values becomes your number values, that file going forward on yours or someone elses system becomes your file (unless of cause someone else was to further change the number values for their installed mods to function). At that point, my control over your modded file is erased, however if the file happens to have in-prints mentioning the aurthor I.E me which can be seen inside my gameconfig.xml then, it would be much appreciated that if you can provide a shout-out, credit, etc.
    * If you come here and steal any of my work(s) by hosting it elsewhere claiming to be the author when you are not, will result in DMCA to such website of interest for subject of removal.

    Mod Changelog:
    Mod Update TimeStamp: 20/02/25
    Mod Version: 1.2 (TU 3442)
    Mod State: Stable
    Mod Update Description: Nothing has changed other than, added game version support for v3442
    Mod Update TimeStamp: 20/02/25
    Mod Version: 1.3 (TU 3442)
    Mod State: Experimental
    Mod Update Description: Nothing has changed other than, added game version support for v3442
    Older changelogs can be found in changelog.txt
    Show Full Description

    First Uploaded: December 21, 2023
    Last Updated: February 21, 2025
    Last Downloaded: 5 minutes ago

    All Versions

     v1.3 (TU 3442) - Experimental Release

    566 downloads , 1.61 MB
    February 20, 2025

     v1.2 (TU 3442) - Stable Release (current)

    4,096 downloads , 1.6 MB
    February 20, 2025