
Serbian Security Texture for Stockade DOBERGARD BETA


Ćao svima, evo još jedne teksture za GTA V sa oznakama Republike Srbije, tačnije oznakama firme koja se nalazi u Srbiji. Ovaj put vam predstavljamo BETA verziju. Tekstura ima nekih problema pa samim tim ne možemo reći da je završena ili da je pod nekim serijskim brojem.

Inače, DOBERGARD je vodeća domaća kompanija za fizičko-tehničko obezbeđenje.

Očekujte ažuriranje, a do tada Uživajte!

Hi everyone, here's another texture for GTA V with symbols of the Republic of Serbia, actually marks the company located in Serbia. This time we present the BETA version. Texture has some problems and therefore we can not say that it is completed or is under a serial number.

Otherwise, DOBERGARD is a leading serbian company for the physical-technical security.

Expect an update, but until then enjoy!
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Uploaded: September 17, 2015
Last Downloaded: February 19, 2025

All Versions

 BETA (current)

171 downloads , 122 KB
September 17, 2015