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"We got a job to do..."
@HeySlickThatsMe I knew it!
I would say add a scope on it since the VCS model has one, but it wouldn't make any sense for a scope to be mounted to what's basically a mini shotgun.
@itsyaboi0008 Funny enough, the Python from Vice City Stories is called that in game lol
@frdfare An update to the "A_F_Y_Vinewood_03" model would be nice, she's the only Vinewood female ped that hasn't been updated, I also found some errors with the ped too.
Those being the sunglasses model having proper tinting on one side and none on the other, this can easily be seen when in the pause menu as this ped.
The "c" texture of the "uppr_000" model is meant to have a necklace but doesn't. Resulting in a skin color necklace, the other two textures have the necklace texture: https://imgur.com/a/6FJk1Ua
The helmet she has clips with both of her hairstyles, my solution would be to remove the helmet all together, since it doesn't make since for this ped to ride a bike.
Some new additions for this ped would be, giving her a wrist watch and bracelet prop.
Make the necklace/earring accessory removable, like the "A_F_Y_EastSA_02" ped
And make both shoes separate entities.
A new outfit would be nice to see, but I understand if you can't.
These take a lot of time, I'd imagine.
@rubbbberduck I'm glad you like it!
@HuskyGamer Maybe after I release my next MC2 character, but I'm not counting on that.
With the large props, this reminds me more of Saints Row 2 than GTA 4 lol
@frdfare I found two errors.
For some reason the bracelet prop only spawns in the first texture, I tried to change the textures via a trainer but it's like if the bracelet only has one texture enabled, I assume a mishap with the YMT?
Also, the wrist watch spawns regardless if the ped is wearing a jacket.
Besides those two problems, this ped spawns perfectly all the time!
Declasse Vigero ZX Convertible Part 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Nice, I was thinking this would be the next store you do.
Dope as always!
@TayMcKenzie Story of my life when it comes to my mods.
"HoW dO i AdD tHiS tO fIvEm"
It's annoying bruh.
Great mod to the creator though!