
Tofaş Doğan Cabrio [Add-On / Replace | Tuning] [FINAL]


Orijinal sedan model sase06'dan alınıp GTA 5'e aktarılmış ve üstü açık versiyon dizayn edilmiştir.

Original sedan model has been converted to GTA 5 from whom sase06 and design to cabrio by CengizSpecial

Features | Özellikler

> Add-On Mode (Tuning) ✓

> Replace Mode is Surano (Non Tuning) ✓

> Yalnızca add-on mod modifiye edilebilir ✓
Tunable modify which only add-on mod ✓

> Üç tane ön, iki tane arka tampon ve bir de kaput modifiye parçası vardır (Yalnızca Add-On Mod) ✓
There are three types of front, two rear bumpers and a bonnet (Only Add-On Mode) ✓

> Değişebilir jant ve egzoz rengi ✓
Changeable rim and exhaust color ✓

> Gerçekçi üst ve yan aynalar ✓
Realistic rearview mirrors ✓

> Hız göstergeleri çalışıyor ✓
Dashboard is working ✓

> Araç arkadan çekişlidir ✓
Car is rear-wheel drive ✓

> İç, dış aydınlatmalar çalışıyor ✓
Headlights, fars, brakelights, Indicators and taillights are working ✓

>Kırılabilir camlar ✓
Breakable glasses ✓

> Direksiyon çalışıyor ✓
Steeringwheel is working ✓

> Plate is changable. You don't have to worry about it.

*Original sketchup objects (https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/):

Bumpers by "COL1"
Sub box by "overclock"
Sounf Zone PXW12 subwoofer by "Nickllie" (Changed with Vox texture)
Panasonic subwoofer by "Malcolm The Newt"
LPG Tank by "Francois V"
Dial İndicator by "Bill Farrior" (Changed with Turbo dial texture)

*Blender objects (http://www.blendswap.com/)

Borbet Rims by "Black Silver"
Show Full Description

First Uploaded: January 17, 2017
Last Updated: January 17, 2017
Last Downloaded: 2 hours ago

All Versions

 [FINAL] (current)

6,923 downloads , 25 MB
January 17, 2017