2015 Toyota Corolla [BETA] 1.5
@ahmeda1999 y tho
is there a mod for that mk4 golf??
@Snnow Update?
uptade location????
PLz sir tell me how to install mod
Can you give me ENB? it so Real
como coloco ele no meu gta 5 no xbox one .nao sei .me ajuden pvf
@Snnow Updates ?
Nice but BETA :D | Güzel ama BETA aşamasında sorunları var biraz
pow faz um corolla normal, parece os br que sempre querem fazer carro socadão com rodas aro 30 -_-
@AlexSouza993 vdd, mas edita o handling e levanta o carro.
Carro mto bom, cara se puder fazer o ou converter o novo civic seria ótimo.
Unfortunately the interior is a bit lacking :>\
That Golf... F*ck I want it.
Can you please release the mk4 golf
Car has some tryhard-tuning to it for some reason, randomly slapped on large wheels and lies low. I suppose that comes down to personal preference.
What does not come down to personal preference is the poor interior, transparent mirrors and permanently active (even when everything is disabled) white lights in the brakelights, which is especially horrible with Radiance. All in all this is not a good effort.
Can i have your discord?
Hola buenas, mas que el Toyota me interesa el Golf MK4, cual es el link del mod?