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  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @lDracarys_ Hi there!

    About the first point of your reply, that is not really an issue, the mod otherwise works pretty well. The only thing that is preventing me to use it are the freezes (not crashes exactly) when reloading scripts.

    I'm not pressing anything during the reload, actually, and the freeze only happens with your mod installed. I hope that info will help.

    23 minutes ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @MNHC Hi! This is a very useful mod. Is there any chance for an update to also remember (most importantly) the ped model? For those of us that don't play with the 3 protagonists.

    Also, if in the future weapon addons could be saved, that also would be neat.

    1 day ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @lDracarys_ Hello! I just had the chance to play, was testing your mod and it's great, something I've longed for for a long time. However, I discovered that if your use the Character Swap mod to play as a MP model with access to money (like many of us do), the game will freeze if you reload scripts while your mod is installed.

    I know that's a problem of compatibility not of your mod per se, but there is chance you could take a look?

    2 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @lasejif952 You're not a "weirdo". Weirdos are those that, for some reason, try to shame you if you rather play with a visually pleasing character rather than 3 butt-ugly blobs we are stuck with if we play without mods.

    Also, I'm eager to try this one. Something so simple but I've wanted it for YEARS.


    5 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @jazzysoggy12 That's literally how the game works if you play as a ped without using the Character Swap mod... Are you high?

    5 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    I was excited when I found this mod, but sadly, it doesn't really work, or just a little. It only lets you keep a bit of the DLC weapons, not even all the MKII ones, and what you keep losses all its attachments.

    8 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @lDracarys_ It seems the new version of your mod is stuck on the system, lol. I want to try it!

    8 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @andre500 Also, I just realized this mod somehow clashes with the female MP model when loading it on Menyoo.

    Normally when you switch to that model (using an outfit or just basic model change), you keep your weapons.

    If I have this mod installed, though, I'll lose ALL my weapons. I tested with some other peds and only the MP model seems to be affected.

    8 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @andre500 Good day. Could we get an option to let us buy also all vanilla weapons? For those who start a new game either to play all the story or just for the random encounters (or whatever roleplay reason), and want to be able to buy any weapon without story progression.

    9 days ago
  • 9561d6 aqx6pye 700bwpb

    @GenesisMod's Could you please tell me where can I find the purple hair in your pics?

    9 days ago