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  • 325548 2

    Hello Bob, it's not working for me.
    In logs "NoMoreShortcuts.dll" write

    "Pipe is not connected yet"
    All work, notification send, but not shortcut. Nothing happens. Please help me.

    Native UI last update
    ScriptHook V last update
    Ifruit2 last update
    This mod from this site

    November 26, 2018
  • 325548 2

    @spillkongen Bugs:
    - Sometimes, a snitch or purpose can choose an empty entity, and automatically destroyed. It happens rarely, mostly when a goal or an informer there in the mountains or empty areas.
    - If you change the character, the mission is not completed (I'll take in the next version of the mod)
    - If the search target/snitch nothing happens - the script looking for a car or people (Important)

    March 20, 2016
  • 325548 2

    @faust0327 Thanx! Try to install normal latest LUA Plugin, not SDK. Maybe work fine.

    March 13, 2016
  • 325548 2

    @Aleeexftw - If the search target/snitch nothing happens - the script looking for a car or people (Important)

    March 04, 2016
  • 325548 2

    My mail dmedia.decoy@gmail.com

    February 27, 2016
  • 325548 2

    if it help, please write to Russian language.!

    February 27, 2016
  • 325548 2

    @khobendrauf @Cole8055 I believe that the problem is not in my mod. And in the other. If problem in the my mod, please indicate this, I do not use other mods - be indulgent. I am ready to correct the mistakes, and accept any help.

    February 27, 2016
  • 325548 2

    My another video, Agency 0.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywnNwTDDTl8

    February 26, 2016
  • 325548 2

    @AceshadowXD @Cole8055 @khobendrauf
    So today I tried my mod again, and even recorded a video. I just installed SkriptHook V latest and LUA Plugin 10.1, as well as the latest version of the game. I also have installed another mod - CoordRecorder. Everything works, nothing does not flicker. Try to run my mod GTA without another mods, and check will work or not. If it works, please send me a list of mods that I looked wich with my mod conflict.

    p.s. Sorry for my English :(

    February 26, 2016
  • 325548 2

    @khobendrauf If flickers, you need to update the scripthook and Lua plugins.

    February 26, 2016