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    cool mod bro! thanks! one question thou... what car is the red one along the stinger and the DB11?

    January 07, 2019
  • Default

    @Bazil Not a real fix. I just toggle off the fuel usage while flying a plane or helicopter. The standard button is "N" to toggle of the fuel usage, but you can change it to your liking in the settings ini. But ultimately I started using another mod. This was fine, but I got tired of toggling on and off the fuel usage

    August 09, 2018
  • Default

    @F7YO Hi, sorry to bother you, but I still have a problem. I turned to your gameconfig, because the property missions don't trigger. I get the call, I arrive to the place where the mission should trigger, but nothing happen. With my old gameconfig, the missions triggered, but I can't handle all the addon and vehicles. With my old gameconfig the game crashes. When I add your file there's this problem with the property missions. Do you have any ideas? Please help.

    July 15, 2018
  • Default

    @HKH191 No worries bro! I'm beginning to think it's just my PC at fault. I'm going to try clean install the game again, if the problems won't be fixed, I think I'll just have to upgrade my laptop. Unfortunately for me. Anyway. Great work. I enjoyed most of your mods!

    July 11, 2018
  • Default

    @HKH191 hello, I would like to ask you, if by any chance, the script are overwriting the graphics settings. Since 2.3 for the Executive mod, 2.2 for the Biker Business and Smuggler's Run 1.6 (all hangers update) my game lost a lot of FPS. Yeah, I'll admit i have a pretty shitty laptop, Intel i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.6GHz, 8GB of RAM, AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M335 Dedicated 4GB VRAM, and I can't go for the best graphic options, but with, lets say "medium" settings, I had a consistent frame rate of 30fps, now no matter the settings level, even if everything is set to the lowest graphic options, the FPS dropped to 15FPS and sometimes even slower. I didn't had such problems before the previous updates to your mods. I'm frustrated that I like your mods so much and I want to use them, but the game is running really bad. If I take out your scripts, everything goes back to normal. When I add them, I game is running worse, which each script I add. Of course there's a pretty big chance that the cause might be different. For two days I'm trying all sorts of ideas, but I didn't found any fix.

    July 10, 2018
  • Default

    @nkjellman Hello, sorry to bother you but I still need some help! of course I read all the previous comments and the I checked if I have everything in order.
    But I still get this error - FATAL: Can't find native 0x27CD91E03FF596E2 - at the Doomsday Heist Facility/Player Facility. I buy the business, but when I press E to enter the facility the game crashes showing the error above. That's the only interior the mod is giving me that error. I have the latest Script Hook V and Script Hook Net, the game version is 1.42 and the Built version is 1290. I have the latest version of OpenInteriors, I downloaded the latest version of OnlineInteriors. Of course my copy is heavily modded. Many other scripts and vehicle and character mods like many others. But as I said, it's strange that that's the only place where the mod is crashing.

    If I remove the onlineinterior script I can enter the facility but all props are missing. Any ideas? Please help.

    Script Hook V log

    // GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Mar 28 2018, v1.0.1365.1)
    // (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2018
    [18:34:10] INIT: Started
    [18:34:10] INIT: Success, game version is VER_1_0_1180_2_STEAM
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'CharacterSwap.asi' (0x00007FFF9C8CAF00)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'HumanNeeds.asi' (0x00007FFFAB7C6DC0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFF9B6DF160)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF7262E6A0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'mpsmuggler.asi' (0x00007FFFAB601040)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'NativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFF9DA2A3C0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'NorthYankton.asi' (0x00007FFF9C763850)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'OnlineEvents.asi' (0x00007FFF9B686EE0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'OpenInteriors.asi' (0x00007FFF9B45B950)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFFABD81380)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'TrainerV.asi' (0x00007FFF6923BA90)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'VehLoader.asi' (0x00007FFF9B3FA140)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'VehSaver.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5CC490)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'YachtDeluxe.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5820C0)
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 1 extended
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 2 extended
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 3 extended
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 4 extended
    [18:34:25] INIT: GtaThread collection size 189
    [18:34:25] INIT: wnd proc 0x00000000FFFF039D
    [18:34:25] INIT: IDXGISwapChain 0x00007FFFC16DEC80 (0x00007FFFC1675070)
    [18:34:25] INIT: IDXGISwapChain set
    [18:34:25] INIT: DX init started
    [18:34:25] INIT: DX feature level B000
    [18:34:25] INIT: DX init succeeded
    [18:35:27] CORE: Requesting thread creation
    [18:35:27] CORE: Creating threads
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started control thread, id 30 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'CharacterSwap.asi' (0x00007FFF9C8CAF00), id 31 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'HumanNeeds.asi' (0x00007FFFAB7C6DC0), id 32 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFF9B6DF160), id 33 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF7262E6A0), id 34 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'mpsmuggler.asi' (0x00007FFFAB601040), id 35 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'NativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFF9DA2A3C0), id 36 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'NorthYankton.asi' (0x00007FFF9C763850), id 37 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'OnlineEvents.asi' (0x00007FFF9B686EE0), id 38 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'OpenInteriors.asi' (0x00007FFF9B45B950), id 39 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFFABD81380), id 40 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'TrainerV.asi' (0x00007FFF6923BA90), id 41 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'VehLoader.asi' (0x00007FFF9B3FA140), id 42 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'VehSaver.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5CC490), id 43 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'YachtDeluxe.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5820C0), id 44 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Launching main() for 'CharacterSwap.asi' (0x00007FFF9C8CAF00), id 31
    [18:35:31] CORE: Launching main() for 'HumanNeeds.asi' (0x00007FFFAB7C6DC0), id 32
    [18:35:31] CORE: Launching main() for 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFF9B6DF160), id 33
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF7262E6A0), id 34
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'mpsmuggler.asi' (0x00007FFFAB601040), id 35
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'NativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFF9DA2A3C0), id 36
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'NorthYankton.asi' (0x00007FFF9C763850), id 37
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'OnlineEvents.asi' (0x00007FFF9B686EE0), id 38
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Shadow\ShadowMain.png', id 0
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Shadow\ShadowLeft.png', id 1
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Shadow\ShadowAbove.png', id 2
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm3.png', id 3
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm5.png', id 4
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm6.png', id 5
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm8.png', id 6
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm9.png', id 7
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm10.png', id 8
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm12.png', id 9
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\RpmText.png', id 10
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\LedOn.png', id 11
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\LedOff.png', id 12
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\MaxMph.png', id 13
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\MaxKmh.png', id 14
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\MaxKno.png', id 15
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarMphFast.png', id 16
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarKmhFast.png', id 17
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarMphSlow.png', id 18
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarKmhSlow.png', id 19
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinMphFast.png', id 20
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKmhFast.png', id 21
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKnoFast.png', id 22
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinMphSlow.png', id 23
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKmhSlow.png', id 24
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKnoSlow.png', id 25
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\TextMph.png', id 26
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\TextKmh.png', id 27
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\TextKno.png', id 28
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearR.png', id 29
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearN.png', id 30
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear1.png', id 31
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear2.png', id 32
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear3.png', id 33
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear4.png', id 34
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear5.png', id 35
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear6.png', id 36
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear7.png', id 37
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear8.png', id 38
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearShiftDown.png', id 39
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearShiftUp.png', id 40
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleBigA.png', id 41
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleBigB.png', id 42
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleSmallA.png', id 43
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleSmallB.png', id 44
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Damage.png', id 45
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\PlaVertical.png', id 46
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\FuelScale.png', id 47
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\FuelLogo.png', id 48
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\GearLogo.png', id 49
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\EngineLogo.png', id 50
    [18:35:33] CORE: Launching main() for 'OpenInteriors.asi' (0x00007FFF9B45B950), id 39
    [18:35:33] CORE: Launching main() for 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFFABD81380), id 40
    [18:35:33] CORE: Launching main() for 'TrainerV.asi' (0x00007FFF6923BA90), id 41
    [18:35:36] CORE: Launching main() for 'VehLoader.asi' (0x00007FFF9B3FA140), id 42
    [18:35:36] CORE: Launching main() for 'VehSaver.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5CC490), id 43
    [18:35:36] CORE: Launching main() for 'YachtDeluxe.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5820C0), id 44
    [18:36:28] FATAL: Can't find native 0x27CD91E03FF596E2
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'YachtDeluxe.asi'
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'VehSaver.asi'
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'VehLoader.asi'
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'TrainerV.asi'

    Expand to read the full comment
    June 28, 2018
  • Default

    Hey guys, of course I read all the previous comments and the checked if I have everything in order.
    But I still get this error - FATAL: Can't find native 0x27CD91E03FF596E2 - at the Doomsday Heist Facility. I buy the business, but when I press E to enter the facility the game crashes showing the error above. That's the only interior the mod is giving that error. I have the latest Script Hook V and Script Hook Net, the game version is 1.42 and the Built version is 1290. I have the latest version of OpenInteriors, I downloaded the latest version of OnlineInteriors. Of course my copy is heavily modded. Many other scripts and vehicle and character mods like many others. But as I said, it's strange that that's the only place where the mod is crashing. Any ideas? Please help.

    Script Hook V log

    // GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Mar 28 2018, v1.0.1365.1)
    // (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2018
    [18:34:10] INIT: Started
    [18:34:10] INIT: Success, game version is VER_1_0_1180_2_STEAM
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'CharacterSwap.asi' (0x00007FFF9C8CAF00)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'HumanNeeds.asi' (0x00007FFFAB7C6DC0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFF9B6DF160)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF7262E6A0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'mpsmuggler.asi' (0x00007FFFAB601040)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'NativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFF9DA2A3C0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'NorthYankton.asi' (0x00007FFF9C763850)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'OnlineEvents.asi' (0x00007FFF9B686EE0)
    [18:34:10] INIT: Registering script 'OpenInteriors.asi' (0x00007FFF9B45B950)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFFABD81380)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'TrainerV.asi' (0x00007FFF6923BA90)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'VehLoader.asi' (0x00007FFF9B3FA140)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'VehSaver.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5CC490)
    [18:34:11] INIT: Registering script 'YachtDeluxe.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5820C0)
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 1 extended
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 2 extended
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 3 extended
    [18:34:20] INIT: Pool 4 extended
    [18:34:25] INIT: GtaThread collection size 189
    [18:34:25] INIT: wnd proc 0x00000000FFFF039D
    [18:34:25] INIT: IDXGISwapChain 0x00007FFFC16DEC80 (0x00007FFFC1675070)
    [18:34:25] INIT: IDXGISwapChain set
    [18:34:25] INIT: DX init started
    [18:34:25] INIT: DX feature level B000
    [18:34:25] INIT: DX init succeeded
    [18:35:27] CORE: Requesting thread creation
    [18:35:27] CORE: Creating threads
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started control thread, id 30 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'CharacterSwap.asi' (0x00007FFF9C8CAF00), id 31 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'HumanNeeds.asi' (0x00007FFFAB7C6DC0), id 32 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFF9B6DF160), id 33 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF7262E6A0), id 34 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'mpsmuggler.asi' (0x00007FFFAB601040), id 35 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'NativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFF9DA2A3C0), id 36 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'NorthYankton.asi' (0x00007FFF9C763850), id 37 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'OnlineEvents.asi' (0x00007FFF9B686EE0), id 38 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'OpenInteriors.asi' (0x00007FFF9B45B950), id 39 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFFABD81380), id 40 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'TrainerV.asi' (0x00007FFF6923BA90), id 41 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'VehLoader.asi' (0x00007FFF9B3FA140), id 42 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'VehSaver.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5CC490), id 43 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Started thread 'YachtDeluxe.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5820C0), id 44 active 1
    [18:35:31] CORE: Launching main() for 'CharacterSwap.asi' (0x00007FFF9C8CAF00), id 31
    [18:35:31] CORE: Launching main() for 'HumanNeeds.asi' (0x00007FFFAB7C6DC0), id 32
    [18:35:31] CORE: Launching main() for 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFF9B6DF160), id 33
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'LUA.asi' (0x00007FFF7262E6A0), id 34
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'mpsmuggler.asi' (0x00007FFFAB601040), id 35
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'NativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFF9DA2A3C0), id 36
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'NorthYankton.asi' (0x00007FFF9C763850), id 37
    [18:35:32] CORE: Launching main() for 'OnlineEvents.asi' (0x00007FFF9B686EE0), id 38
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Shadow\ShadowMain.png', id 0
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Shadow\ShadowLeft.png', id 1
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Shadow\ShadowAbove.png', id 2
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm3.png', id 3
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm5.png', id 4
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm6.png', id 5
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm8.png', id 6
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm9.png', id 7
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm10.png', id 8
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\Rpm12.png', id 9
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\RpmText.png', id 10
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\LedOn.png', id 11
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Rpm\LedOff.png', id 12
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\MaxMph.png', id 13
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\MaxKmh.png', id 14
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\MaxKno.png', id 15
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarMphFast.png', id 16
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarKmhFast.png', id 17
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarMphSlow.png', id 18
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\CarKmhSlow.png', id 19
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinMphFast.png', id 20
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKmhFast.png', id 21
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKnoFast.png', id 22
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinMphSlow.png', id 23
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKmhSlow.png', id 24
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\LinKnoSlow.png', id 25
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\TextMph.png', id 26
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\TextKmh.png', id 27
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Velocity\TextKno.png', id 28
    [18:35:32] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearR.png', id 29
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearN.png', id 30
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear1.png', id 31
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear2.png', id 32
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear3.png', id 33
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear4.png', id 34
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear5.png', id 35
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear6.png', id 36
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear7.png', id 37
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\Gear8.png', id 38
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearShiftDown.png', id 39
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\GearNumbers\GearShiftUp.png', id 40
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleBigA.png', id 41
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleBigB.png', id 42
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleSmallA.png', id 43
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Needles\NeedleSmallB.png', id 44
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Damage.png', id 45
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\PlaVertical.png', id 46
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\FuelScale.png', id 47
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\FuelLogo.png', id 48
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\GearLogo.png', id 49
    [18:35:33] CORE: Creating texture 'E:\Jocuri\Grand Theft Auto V\LeFixSpeedo\Fuel\EngineLogo.png', id 50
    [18:35:33] CORE: Launching main() for 'OpenInteriors.asi' (0x00007FFF9B45B950), id 39
    [18:35:33] CORE: Launching main() for 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FFFABD81380), id 40
    [18:35:33] CORE: Launching main() for 'TrainerV.asi' (0x00007FFF6923BA90), id 41
    [18:35:36] CORE: Launching main() for 'VehLoader.asi' (0x00007FFF9B3FA140), id 42
    [18:35:36] CORE: Launching main() for 'VehSaver.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5CC490), id 43
    [18:35:36] CORE: Launching main() for 'YachtDeluxe.asi' (0x00007FFF9A5820C0), id 44
    [18:36:28] FATAL: Can't find native 0x27CD91E03FF596E2
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'YachtDeluxe.asi'
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'VehSaver.asi'
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'VehLoader.asi'
    [18:37:10] UNINIT: Unregistering script 'TrainerV.asi'

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    June 19, 2018
  • Default

    Great mod man. Great, great mod. Maybe one of the best car mods on gta5-mods. So many tuning options. And the car looks awesome.

    June 15, 2018
  • Default

    Disregard my previous post. I enabled the toggle off and on of fuel consumption, so when I'm flying I disable the fuel consumption. Thanks anyway. Cheers.

    May 06, 2018
  • Default

    @SYNTHESISE I don't know how this works for other when using aircraft, but no matter what I use, a jet, a helicopter, a propeller plane, the fuel is consuming really really fast. For example with the Hydra, I don't know if I can fly it more than 1 min before I run out of gas. Please, give me some hints please.

    May 06, 2018