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  • Heists2

    @Plastic Tangerine. i want to change the foodandsleep timer but i dont understand it correctly. Is it in seconds or minutes and for example how do i set the hunger time on 10 min.. I like your mod but thats the only factor i would love to change

    February 20, 2017
  • Heists2

    @Guadmaz mission creator keeps crashing. Can you help me out?. [28-1-2017 18:29:23.242] Started new log on 28-1-2017 18:29:23.242
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.244] ====================================================================================================
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.232] Log path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.245] Log verbosity: Trivial
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.247] Initializing input system
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.256] Failed to create culture for: 132105. Name returned: 00020409
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.257] Initializing game console
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.266] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115)
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.336] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.337] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.340] Read value: <null>
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.340] Initializing console variable "DisableRenderVersionText".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.340] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: DisableRenderVersionText
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.346] Read value: False
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.346] Setting value of console variable "DisableRenderVersionText" to stored value.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.347] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.347] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.348] Read value: F10
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.348] Setting value of console variable "ConsoleKey" to stored value.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.349] Console key has been set to F10 (key code: 121)
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.349] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.349] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.350] Read value: 10000
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.351] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.351] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.351] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.352] Read value: <null>
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.353] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.353] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.354] Read value: <null>
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.355] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings".
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.356] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.356] Read value: <null>
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.357] Console initialized
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.357] Initializing forms manager
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.360] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v0.50.1044.10171 PUBLIC ALPHA for Grand Theft Auto V
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.367] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.376] Detected Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) (10.0.14393.0)!
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.377] Checking game support
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.873] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.874] Product version: 1.0.944.2
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.874] Is steam version: False
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.876] Initializing DirectX
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.878] Initializing Direct3D
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.879] Loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.879] Loaded at 0x7FFC3CA80000
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.880] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain at 0x7FFC3CAE5170
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.880] Creating Direct3D 11 device and swap chain
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.886] Swap Chain created: 0x15F506A80E0
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.886] Swap Chain VTable: 0x15F506A80E0
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.887] Swap Chain VTable_2: 0x7FFC3E43D058
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.887] 0x57565510245C8948;0x5741564155415441;0xEC8148D9246C8D48
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.888] D3D11Present: 0x7FFC3E3E3440
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.889] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFC3E3F48D0
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.889] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFC3E4353A0
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.890] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFC3E3FB870
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.910] Direct3D initialized
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.912] Initialized DirectX
    [28-1-2017 18:29:23.913] Direct3D watcher thread spawned
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.451] Getting device
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.454] Retrieved device
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.455] Creating wrapper
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.550] Wrapper created
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.558] Effect created
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.559] Creating buffer
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.559] Created buffer
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.560] Creating blend state
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.561] Created blend state
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.561] Done with creation
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.644] Initializing texture system.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.645] Initializing texture system; phase 1
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.646] Initializing texture system; phase 2
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.654] Initializing texture system; phase 3
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.655] Initializing texture system; phase 4
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.666] Initializing texture system; phase 5
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.668] Initializing texture system; phase 6
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.670] Initializing texture system; phase 7
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.673] Initializing texture system; phase 8
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.675] Initializing texture system; phase 9
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.676] Initializing texture system; phase 10
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.681] Initializing texture system; phase 11
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.682] Initializing texture system; phase 12
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.684] Initializing texture system; phase 13
    [28-1-2017 18:29:24.684] Initializing texture system; phase 14
    [28-1-2017 18:29:28.915] Direct3D watcher thread ended
    [28-1-2017 18:29:56.070] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support
    [28-1-2017 18:29:56.323] Initializing game support
    [28-1-2017 18:29:56.972] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.386] Compatibility level: 0
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.387] Supported version detected
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.388] ==================================================
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.389] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.640] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.892] Waiting for game initialization
    [28-1-2017 18:29:57.994] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.245] Initializing hook
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.247] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.497] Completing interoperability
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.498] Initialization code 1.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.499] Initialization code 2.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.499] Initialization code 3.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.509] 1 Address: 0x00007FF601AB0F40
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.510] Calling func 1
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.529] 2 Address: 0x00007FF6025993BE
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.531] 3 Address: 0x00007FF6010C5C46
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.567] Address: 0x00007FF60259935C
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.568] Unknown var: 0x00007FF6034E8F30
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.568] Initialization code 4.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.569] Initialization code 5.
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.570] Completing interoperability, phase 1
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.570] Completing interoperability, phase 2
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.570] Completing interoperability, phase 3
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.571] Completing interoperability, phase 4
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.571] Completing interoperability, phase 5
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.572] Completing interoperability, phase 6
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.572] Completing interoperability, phase 7
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.573] LoadingScreenMsg:
    [28-1-2017 18:29:58.824] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode
    [28-1-2017 18:30:18.775] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World
    [28-1-2017 18:30:19.026] LoadingScreenMsg:
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.092] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled".
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.093] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.095] Read value: True
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.096] Setting value of console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled" to stored value.
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.139] WARNING! Developer mode is now enabled. While in this mode, detailed error messages will be displayed.
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.140] Initializing console variable "TimeScale".
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.140] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.143] Read value: <null>
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.425] WARNING! Developer mode is now enabled. While in this mode, detailed error messages will be displayed.
    [28-1-2017 18:30:28.442] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\MissionCreator.dll
    [28-1-2017 18:30:31.400] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing input system
    [28-1-2017 18:30:31.402] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing game console
    [28-1-2017 18:30:31.405] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing forms manager
    [28-1-2017 18:30:31.496] Plugin "Mission Creator" was loaded from "MissionCreator.dll".
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.276] Mission Creator:
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.278] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.278] Mission Creator: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.279] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.280] Mission Creator: Origin: Rage.SleeplessGameFiber
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.280] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.281] Mission Creator: Exception type: System.MissingMethodException
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.282] Mission Creator: Exception message: Methode niet gevonden: System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<System.Windows.Forms.Keys> Rage.KeyboardState.get_PressedKeys().
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.283] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.283] Mission Creator: Inner exceptions:
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.284] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.285] Mission Creator: Stack trace:
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.286] Mission Creator: bij RAGENativeUI.Common.GetPressedKeys()
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.287] bij RAGENativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessMenus()
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.288] bij MissionCreator.Editor.Editor.Tick(GraphicsEventArgs canvas)
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.288] bij MissionCreator.EntryPoint.FrameRender(Object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.289] bij Rage.Game.RaiseFrameRender(GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.290] bij Rage.RemotePlugin.HandleRenderFiber()
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.290] bij Rage.GameFiber.Main()
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.291] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:30:33.292] Mission Creator:
    [28-1-2017 18:33:16.632] Unknown command or variable "load"
    [28-1-2017 18:33:43.548] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\MissionCreator.dll
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.404] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing input system
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.406] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing game console
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.409] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing forms manager
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.430] Plugin "Mission Creator" was loaded from "MissionCreator.dll".
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.871] Mission Creator:
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.871] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.872] Mission Creator: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.873] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.873] Mission Creator: Origin: Rage.SleeplessGameFiber
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.873] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.873] Mission Creator: Exception type: System.MissingMethodException
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.873] Mission Creator: Exception message: Methode niet gevonden: System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<System.Windows.Forms.Keys> Rage.KeyboardState.get_PressedKeys().
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.874] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.874] Mission Creator: Inner exceptions:
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.874] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.875] Mission Creator: Stack trace:
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.876] Mission Creator: bij RAGENativeUI.Common.GetPressedKeys()
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.876] bij RAGENativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessMenus()
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.877] bij MissionCreator.Editor.Editor.Tick(GraphicsEventArgs canvas)
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.877] bij MissionCreator.EntryPoint.FrameRender(Object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.878] bij Rage.Game.RaiseFrameRender(GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.878] bij Rage.RemotePlugin.HandleRenderFiber()
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.878] bij Rage.GameFiber.Main()
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.879] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:33:46.879] Mission Creator:
    [28-1-2017 18:35:23.270] Unknown command or variable "/help"
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.061] RAGE Plugin Hook commands
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Help Lists all available console commands.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] UnloadAllPlugins Gracefully unloads all currently loaded plugins.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] TerminateAllPlugins Terminates all currently loaded plugins.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ReloadPlugins Terminates all plugins, then loads all the plugins that were running.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ListNativeScripts Lists all the native game scripts currently running.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ListPackFiles Lists all currently loaded RPF archives (RAGE Pack File).
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] PrintInfo Prints some useful info.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ClearTasks Clear's the player's tasks.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ListPlugins Lists all currently running plugins.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ReloadAllPlugins Unloads or terminates all plugins, then loads all plugins found in the plugins folder.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Exit Gracefully exits the game.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Terminate Forcefully ends the game.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] CleanWorld Clears the game world of characters, vehicles, blood stains, etc. and repairs broken world objects. Will not remove the player's current vehicle.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ListPackFileContents Lists the file names in the specified RPF archives (RAGE Pack File).
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] LoadPlugin Loads the specified plugin.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] UnloadPlugin Unloads all plugins matching the specified file name.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] TerminatePlugin Terminates all plugins matching the specified file name.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] CleanUp Cleans up all entities created by the specified plugin.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] KillPed Kills the specified ped.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ExplodeVehicle Explodes the specified vehicle.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Spawn Spawns a ped, vehicle or object based on the given model name.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] SpawnByHash Spawns a ped, vehicle or object based on the given model hash.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] SpawnAndWarp Spawns vehicle based on the given model and warps the player into it.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] GiveWeapon Gives the player the specified weapon.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] SetWantedLevel Sets the local player's wanted level.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] SetDayTime Sets the current time of day.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] SetWeather Sets the current weather.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Flip Puts the player's current vehicle onto its wheels.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Nudge Pushes the player's vehicle out of its current predicament.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Heal Heals the player.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Repair Repairs the player's current vehicle.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Wash Washes the player's current vehicle.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] VisitNorthYankton Loads and teleports the player to North Yankton.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] VisitLosSantos Unloads North Yankton and teleports the player to Los Santos.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] TeleportToPosition Teleports the player to the specified position.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] TeleportToWaypoint Teleports the player to the position of the waypoint placed on the map.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] WarpIntoLastVehicle Warps the player into the last vehicle.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Execute Executes the specified C# code as a separate plugin.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Get Executes the specified C# expression as a separate plugin and prints the result.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ExecuteCodeSnippet Executes the specified code snippet.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Bind Binds the specified command(s) to the specified key.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] Unbind Unbinds the command(s) assigned to the specified key.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062]
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] RAGE Plugin Hook variables
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ConsoleScrollAmount (get/set) Specifies the number of lines the console scrolls when using the mouse wheel. If 0, scrolls as many lines as the console currently fits.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] DisableRenderVersionText (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ConsoleKey (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] PluginTimeoutThreshold (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] AlwaysShowConsoleOutput (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] IsDeveloperModeEnabled (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] TimeScale (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:26.062] ShowOnScreenWarnings (get/set) No description.
    [28-1-2017 18:35:43.533] Compilation failed
    [28-1-2017 18:35:43.533] c:\Users\Gi\AppData\Local\Temp\memory(1,22) : error CS0103: De naam weapon bestaat niet in de huidige context
    [28-1-2017 18:35:43.534] The specified C# code is invalid.
    [28-1-2017 18:36:01.166] Compilation failed
    [28-1-2017 18:36:01.167] c:\Users\Gi\AppData\Local\Temp\memory(1,22) : error CS0103: De naam pistol bestaat niet in de huidige context
    [28-1-2017 18:36:01.168] The specified C# code is invalid.
    [28-1-2017 18:36:09.594] Unknown command or variable "we"
    [28-1-2017 18:36:23.553] Invalid call to console command "GiveWeapon": Parameter "weaponName" of console command "GiveWeapon" is not optional, but no argument was specified.
    [28-1-2017 18:37:06.316] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\MissionCreator.dll
    [28-1-2017 18:37:08.871] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing input system
    [28-1-2017 18:37:08.873] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing game console
    [28-1-2017 18:37:08.875] <UNLOADED PLUGIN>: Initializing forms manager
    [28-1-2017 18:37:08.890] Plugin "Mission Creator" was loaded from "MissionCreator.dll".
    [28-1-2017 18:37:08.890] Plugin "Mission Creator" will be automatically reloaded when modified.
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.203] Mission Creator:
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.203] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.204] Mission Creator: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.204] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.205] Mission Creator: Origin: Rage.SleeplessGameFiber
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.205] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.206] Mission Creator: Exception type: System.MissingMethodException
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.206] Mission Creator: Exception message: Methode niet gevonden: System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<System.Windows.Forms.Keys> Rage.KeyboardState.get_PressedKeys().
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.207] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.207] Mission Creator: Inner exceptions:
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.208] Mission Creator: ------------------------------
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.208] Mission Creator: Stack trace:
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.208] Mission Creator: bij RAGENativeUI.Common.GetPressedKeys()
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.209] bij RAGENativeUI.MenuPool.ProcessMenus()
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.209] bij MissionCreator.Editor.Editor.Tick(GraphicsEventArgs canvas)
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.210] bij MissionCreator.EntryPoint.FrameRender(Object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.210] bij Rage.Game.RaiseFrameRender(GraphicsEventArgs e)
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.210] bij Rage.RemotePlugin.HandleRenderFiber()
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.211] bij Rage.GameFiber.Main()
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.211] Mission Creator: ==============================
    [28-1-2017 18:37:09.211] Mission Creator:

    Expand to read the full comment
    January 28, 2017
  • Heists2

    @Poepsnol Ik probeer jou mod te installeren maar wanneer ik de DutchPoliceUniforms5-3.oiv dubbel klik geeft hij aan dat ik openiv als administrator moet runnen. Heb je enig idee hoe ik dit probleem kan oplossen ?

    April 03, 2016
  • Heists2

    First off all i like your mod, Second to bad you cant see the cigarette smoke when i lite one. Are you able to add that feauture in your mod. That would be great and really give your modd that finishin touch. Cheers

    September 26, 2015
  • Heists2

    Thanks for the update. Your mod runs perfectly now. great work u deserved the 5 stars with this one mate. Cheers

    September 26, 2015
  • Heists2

    Hi, First off all i love your mod great work. Now this is my problem when i play gta with your mod and im taking cover behind a wall, car or what ever. Then my game freezes and i cant play normal anymore unless i press the left trigger (aim) again. Allso when im taking cover and im trying to shoot from cover it does the same thing. Hopefully you have a solution for this cus i really like using your mod. Cheers

    September 24, 2015
  • Heists2

    @ peppermint216
    Hi , First of all i like your mod great work. Im working on a project right now and im wondering if your willing to create a mod with all the ingame car names. Im willing to reward your time and afford. If your interested please contact me at AwelAwo@yahoo.com. Cheers

    September 23, 2015
  • Heists2

    @qiangqiang101 Thanks for the Fking tip !! Btw i love your mod great job, Keep up the good work

    September 16, 2015
  • Heists2

    @qiangqiang101 Hi, I've installed your mod but the car list doesnt show up . I can choose cars and motorcycles but i cant see wich one im choosing.

    September 16, 2015