Elliot Lake ON
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  • A36f4f obama

    @345537 it would be tedious to change it yourself given every weapon's meta file has its own fov value you would need to change put its certainly not impossible also tbf its a matter of preference since the most agreed upon thing is that the default weapon fov in first person is lackluster to say the least

    November 21, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    @logoso2020 depends on what the effect is supposed to be so for example explosions, muzzle flashes and tracers, rain etc are just textures some of which are ether one or 20 or so to create a frame animation off of one texture but some have models like shell casings, trash exploding out of bags some impact effects on concrete etc the ladder of which use models but im not sure how to get them into blender since i've never really touched blender in my life besides ytp files store info for the models being used and can edit the size, placement, yaw, speed etc

    November 18, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    @logoso2020 effects are not able to be ported into blender since most effects are just textures but you can extract the models from the core.ytp like trash and shell models

    November 18, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    @logoso2020 sorry for the late reply but ptfx are more like effect folders rather then files the files u want to edit are called ytp files and in order to decompile them into editable xmls you would need a program like CodewalkerV (Pretty much just OpenIV with more option for files u could not edit in OpenIV minus the user friendly UI)

    November 18, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    if ur having problems with weapon sliders not working cause of a bug Rockstar has neglected to fix since the contract heres a fix for you guys https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/weapon-animation-fix-vivomods

    November 17, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    Hey i dont mean to be that person but i'm pretty sure the realistic shells come from my mod i'm not gonna make u remove it or any of that but could you list me & my mod in the credits? that would be awesome if you could do that also nice weapon mod name rolls of the tounge very well

    November 07, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    nice mod although 1 nitpick i do have is that the script does not account for the game being paused so if you pause the game for a little bit a guaranteed weather change will be achieved i'm guessing the script counts ticks instead of the in game time

    August 04, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    @mbahdokek absolute legend thank you so much

    July 01, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    @mbahdokek yea it works its just the animation for the peds reaction does not play and instead the ped flops to the ground dead

    June 13, 2024
  • A36f4f obama

    this is a awesome mod so glad its getting the love it deserves could you also reboot jedijosh's beta takedown mod when you get the chance linked here https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/beta-takedowns

    June 13, 2024