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  • 54d0f7 1793755

    @COD MASTER 123 I don't understand your question.

    November 10, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755
    Pinned Comment

    I'm still desperately looking for contributers who want to continue the work on this project because I currently have very limited time. If you are interested, please make pull requests on the official GitHub project page or contact me via mail <lennart.grahl@gmail.com>. Cheers!

    November 08, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    I'm looking for someone who wants to continue the work on this project because I currently have no time to pursue it any further. If you are interested, please contact me via mail <lennart.grahl@gmail.com>. Cheers!

    October 24, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    @thermalprojekt @VincleBR There will be no online mode support.

    June 13, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    Version 0.9.14 fixes a minor bug in the key event and has been updated to include the latest natives.
    Reminder: Alex has just released a new Script Hook V version to support the "Ill-Gotten Gains" update. Please, update your Script Hook V version if you haven't already.

    June 11, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    Version 0.9.14 fixes a minor bug in the key event and has been updated to include the latest natives.
    Reminder: Alex has just released a new Script Hook V version to support the "I'll Gotta Gains Update". Please, update your Script Hook V version if you haven't already.

    June 11, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    @YourFather Apart from the examples we've written (see the repository for details), I'm not aware of any other scripts so far. But then again, coding takes time so we're not surprised that there are none at the moment. We also need to improve the in-built modules, so scripters can use more high-level functionality like the .NET script hook provides.

    June 11, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    @clashure91 What menu do you mean?

    June 11, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    At the moment, Script Hook V doesn't work with the "I'll Gotta Gains Update". We'll have to wait until Alex' releases an update until this plugin works again.
    @RyanCooper0071 Thanks for the explanation.

    June 10, 2015
  • 54d0f7 1793755

    @vman3k What is a grail update?

    June 10, 2015