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    Like the Trainer, Have an issue with this one though. Update 42 BF1, the UI Screens all work fine. On Update 42 BF2 (current) the UI screens flash off-on when using the controller, the Keyboard and Mouse don't affect them and they are normal (always on)? BF1 works just fine with either?

    February 10, 2020
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    @HKH191 When in the office and doing the CEO thing, if I sell the stocks low, it sells the stocks. If I try to sell stocks High it sends me on some mission to get a Mule and deliver it somewhere. The icon for the mule looks like a towable water buffalo/water tank. It spawns the Mabaitsu Mule in the middle of the highway at the icon instead of where the icon actually is and once I get in the Mule there is no destination? Is something amiss here?.

    September 19, 2019
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    @Zemanez Thanks for the bug fixes. It doesn't spawn in the MP Map interior for Diamond Casino? Simple Trainer does? And no I'm not using them both at once. You can see the interior stuff, car, wheel, etc. but when you go to the blue circle and hit e to enter you fall through the map, there is no interior.

    September 17, 2019
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    @HKH191 Love the mod. Could you limit the number of spawn ins on the tanker mission and the casino being attacked mission? It spawns in so many vehicles and enemy that it crashes the game. Also the dead vehicle blips and enemy blips don't go away, maybe related?..

    September 10, 2019
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    @adopcalipt Could you also turn off the gushing blood once the patient gets in the ambulance? It leaves a dotted trail from pick up to delivery.

    August 29, 2019
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    @adopcalipt Could you change the yes key on the controller from Y to A? When you get the mission and are given the question "take the mission Y/N" the Y key on the controller sends you back to enter or mount your ride and you have to hit the Shift key on the keyboard to accept the mission. Love the mod though...

    August 29, 2019
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    @rootcause. it shows the icons for where the supposedly spawned artifacts are but no artifacts have been spawned even after the log says it spawned 100 artifacts. Apparently I'm not the onle one with this problem...

    August 19, 2019
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    @HKH191 Love the mod.. Cancel the glitch problem, I had forgotten about editing the "Riot" for reduced traction..

    July 25, 2019
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    @ HKH191 Love the mod. There is a glitch in the Paleto Bay mission setup. When waiting for the cops to arrive, if your facing the bank the truck that comes in on the left doesn't slowdown enough to make the turn and cross in front of the bank and winds up sliding through the turn into the area to the left of the bank and then sometimes just stops there, other times it will go far enough to turn around and then get back to the front of the bank to complete this phase. If it doesn't finish your left with 2 flashing markers and vehicles that never go away.

    July 25, 2019
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    @Zemanez @Slash_Alex, in a future update can you add a switch or check box to change the "Space Bar" from the "duck, sneak and then pop up" to the in game "jump" setting when near a wall or fence gate?

    July 21, 2019